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A common consensus has emerged amongst significant, science oriented UFO researchers that a certain small percentage of UFOs are actual and are not figments of everyone's imagination. Furthermore, it is properly identified that a lot of people claim to obtain messages from alleged further-terrestrials aboard UFOs.

The messages received from UFOs are constantly occultic and steer individuals away from belief in Christian doctrine. Extra-terrestrials have a tendency to undermine or attack the Christian faith.

Christian scholars and researchers have responded to this attack. In this write-up I will show that best UFO researchers, lots of of whom are agnostic, have come around to consistently aid the Christian position on UFO phenomena.

After all the UFO sightings have been cautiously analyzed and plenty of explained away as natural phenomena the remaining UFOs, known as residual UFOs (RUFOs) are regarded as real. They are real then again the best researchers say they are not metallic spacecraft from distant stars or planets.

Astronomers who have dedicated their careers to learning UFOs point towards the reality that UFO flight patterns defy the laws of physics including turning and accelerating so fast that any metal spaceship would disintegrate even if the metal spaceship was a solid iron ball. Furthermore, UFOs are observed in the atmosphere and not observed coming in from outer space.

UFO sightings have been reported during history. Ancient literature describes 'aerial individuals' and 'cloud ships' in terms that correspond to modern day UFO sightings. In 1691 a Scottish minister wrote a book describing how Scottish farmers had been harassed by paranormal entities similar towards the UFOs of our time.

All of us are conscious of the plenty of UFO cults that have sprung up. There have even been tv specials dedicated to UFO phenomena.

Francis Crick, Nobel prize winning co-discoverer of DNA, calculated the probability of proteins forming by random collisions of atoms at the primordial ooze. Crick located it so remotely improbable that proteins as well as other building blocks of life may possibly form by likelihood on earth that he decided that aliens from outer space have to have brought life to earth.