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Topic: Launching ACS code at start of game. & DOOM in Hexen Format.  (Read 15553 times)

Offline XDelusion

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Launching ACS code at start of game. & DOOM in Hexen Format.
« on: December 13, 2010, 12:51:42 »
Alright, I have another question for you. I was trying to familiarize my self with ACS script last night. I had looked at a few demo maps that are packed full of examples, but for what ever reason, I could not produce a map that begins with a script running.

Essentially what I'd like to be able to do is start a map out where there is a bit of dialog on the screen telling the player what to do, then after all the dialog is gone, I wanted to assign a tagged door to open, thus ending the script.

I was going to attach a file as an example of what I'm trying to accomplish, but I can't attach it. It was a zip file and it was small, but no go. Hmmm.


Also are ZDOOM features in Odamex ready enough that I should be editing in ZDOOM - DOOM in HEXEN mode, or should I still be editing in BOOM mode with DOOM Builder?

Thankx again!

EDIT: Got script working in GzDOOM, so I'm doing things correct, so I assume that Odamex just isn't quite ready for the task yet, though that is strange considering the wad I used as a base for this ran it's ACS code just fine under Odamex, here it is:
« Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 13:29:47 by XDelusion »
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Offline XDelusion

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Re: Launching ACS code at start of game. & DOOM in Hexen Format.
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2010, 13:21:28 »
There are more example WADs in this link here:

Of course some WADs have features that Odamex does not support yet, while other WADs do work fine, until I try to re-create them, then they will not work in Odamex or ZDOOM 1.22, but if I load them up in GzDOOM, they work fine, so I know it should not be a problem in regards to what I'm doing... least I wouldn't think.
If we lost an eye we would be sad. So the Mother too is sad, and she'll end, and the world ends... - From the Heart of the World

Offline Ralphis

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Re: Launching ACS code at start of game. & DOOM in Hexen Format.
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2010, 23:43:18 »
It may have something to do with ACS compilers? I'm not entirely sure. Asking on the ZDoom forums or Doomworld might yield you better results. Maybe something has changed over the years and Doom Builder (which I presume you're using) has some different method of compiling the behavior lumps. If your scripts don't even run in zdoom 1.22, then there's likely problem beyond Odamex that they may be more apt to help you with.

Offline XDelusion

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Re: Launching ACS code at start of game. & DOOM in Hexen Format.
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2010, 12:19:43 »
You are absolutely correct! I was playing with this last night and could not for the life of me figure out why it was doing this, so I figured that I should take one of the example WADs that did work with Odamex, compile it's script in DOOM Builder 2, then save it to see what would happen...

...and wouldn't you know it broke compatibility with both Odamex and ZDOOM 1.22! :)

 So yes, you are right, I need to sign up on the ZDOOM forums, seeing as I'm mostly familiar with DOOM Legacy and PrBOOM anyhow, I could use a few tips from there to adapt me over to the changes.

If we lost an eye we would be sad. So the Mother too is sad, and she'll end, and the world ends... - From the Heart of the World

Offline XDelusion

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Re: Launching ACS code at start of game. & DOOM in Hexen Format.
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2010, 14:31:14 »
The issue was resolved in the ZDOOM forums.

It turns out that you have to use ACC manually with the -h option.


acc.exe -h scripts.acs BEHAVIOR

This will compile the script for classic ZDOOM, you then of course take the BEHAVIOR file and load it into your wad with XWE or SLADE.

Someone else said that I should be able to edit DOOM Builder's config files to make a custom configuration for Odamex.

I've never worked with them, but I am going to look at the config files tonight and try to figure something out and hopefully create an Odamex config file of my own.
The only problem I foresee is not knowing exactly what ZDOOM features are support, and which ones are not as there does not seem to be any clear documentation on this, though I'm sure with a little trial and error using the ZDOOM example WADs from the ZDOOM resource that I'll be able to zero it all down to the features that are currently supported.

Perhaps through all of this I might be of some help contributing to the Odamex Wiki that you guys are looking for help with...

I've never edited Wiki either, but you never know.
If we lost an eye we would be sad. So the Mother too is sad, and she'll end, and the world ends... - From the Heart of the World