Alright, I have another question for you. I was trying to familiarize my self with ACS script last night. I had looked at a few demo maps that are packed full of examples, but for what ever reason, I could not produce a map that begins with a script running.
Essentially what I'd like to be able to do is start a map out where there is a bit of dialog on the screen telling the player what to do, then after all the dialog is gone, I wanted to assign a tagged door to open, thus ending the script.
I was going to attach a file as an example of what I'm trying to accomplish, but I can't attach it. It was a zip file and it was small, but no go. Hmmm.
Also are ZDOOM features in Odamex ready enough that I should be editing in ZDOOM - DOOM in HEXEN mode, or should I still be editing in BOOM mode with DOOM Builder?
Thankx again!
EDIT: Got script working in GzDOOM, so I'm doing things correct, so I assume that Odamex just isn't quite ready for the task yet, though that is strange considering the wad I used as a base for this ran it's ACS code just fine under Odamex, here it is:
« Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 13:29:47 by XDelusion »

If we lost an eye we would be sad. So the Mother too is sad, and she'll end, and the world ends... - From the Heart of the World