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Devoblog / Odamex 10.6.0 Released
« Last post by Hekksy on September 11, 2024, 03:18:10 »
Odamex 10.6.0

This is a minor release, mostly to enable Odamex to find the iwads that are packaged with the release of DOOM + DOOM II on Steam and GOG. Odamex will find the DOS iwads as well as the modified iwads that include widescreen assets and green cross health pickups. Please note that the widescreen HUD will show up with glitchy textures, but widescreen HUD assets support is already implemented into the next release!

There are some other fixes involving MAPINFO and UMAPINFO, demo playback and voodoo dolls, and the Vanilla Doom scoreboard.

The Odamex 10.6.0 client is fully compatible with 10.0.0, 10.1.0, 10.2.0, 10.3.0, 10.4.0, and 10.5.0 servers, so you can join any 10.x server. We do recommend all server hosts update to 10.6.0 to have the most up-to-date stable release of Odamex for your players to enjoy.

The official release changelog can be viewed here.

Download Odamex 10.6.0 for your preferred platform now!

A Flatpak for Odamex 10.6.0 will be available in the near future, it still needed some testing before it was ready for uploading. If you poke KBlair in Discord he may give you a link to try it, but no promises.

The best way to stay involved with Odamex development and get involved with other players is to join our lovely Discord community:
Technical Support / Re: How do you install Odamex on the Steam Deck?
« Last post by Hekksy on September 08, 2024, 16:52:52 »

I do not own and am unfamiliar with steam deck, but here is a flatpack that is being tested for the next version of Odamex (10.6) if you would like to try it out
I do believe these can be installed on steam deck
Technical Support / How do you install Odamex on the Steam Deck?
« Last post by CommunityPoster55 on August 04, 2024, 14:27:39 »
I've tried the "makepkg" method using the Terminal because SteamOS is an Arch distro variant, but it's fine-tuned for only advanced users to intstall and use manually configured programs.
All I get is the "can't find fake binary" error, even with read-only disabled.

Can anyone give me a proper guide how to set Odamex up the right way on the Deck?
General Discussion / Re: Map voting
« Last post by Hekksy on May 17, 2024, 17:16:41 »
you can use vote_yes or vote_no in the console but I believe the default binds for voting are page up and page down.
Devoblog / Odamex 10.5.0 Released
« Last post by Hekksy on May 17, 2024, 17:15:36 »
Odamex 10.5.0

This is a minor release with mostly quality of life fixes. The client has seen a number of useful updates. One of the more notable additions in 10.5.0, contributor loopfz improved the in-game wad downloader so that it can now download files with mixed case file names. That means server admins no longer have to host wads that are either all upper case or lower case. This will be incredibly useful for server admins looking to host servers with many wads.

Contributor ceski has improved controller support by improving analog stick deadzones, as well as flushing unused game controller events. Contributor chewi has improved our general codebase by correcting some aliasing errors in multiple areas of the code, along with other general code fixes. Contributor matoro has also helped update our CMake configuration.

Also, a shout out to KBlair for improving our demo testing suite, which helps us continue to strive toward full vanilla Doom compatibility. Also there were some other contributions in this release from various users, you can see all contributors in the full patch notes linked down below. Odamex is a community driven effort, and we appreciate anyone that submits code or changes to help improve Odamex.

The Odamex 10.5.0 client is fully compatible with 10.0.0, 10.1.0, 10.2.0, 10.3.0, and 10.4.0 servers, so you can join any 10.x server. We do recommend all server hosts update to 10.5.0 to have the most up-to-date stable release of Odamex for your players to enjoy.

The official release changelog can be viewed here.

Download Odamex 10.5.0 for your preferred platform now!
General Discussion / Map voting
« Last post by Doomy on May 11, 2024, 18:33:28 »
Me and my friend are playing hordamex, and we tried to change the map with the "callvote map ___" feature, but we don't know how to say yes to the vote, please help.
Maps, Wads and Mods / Chex Quest 3 v2.0 Odamex Multiplayer Co-op Test
« Last post by Acts 19 quiz on March 03, 2024, 22:33:02 »
Mark your calendars: A public multiplayer co-op online test of the Odamex/ZDaemon port of Chex™ Quest 3 is now scheduled! It will take place on Saturday, March 16, 2024. The time will be 6 PM PST, 9 PM EST, 2 AM (SUN) London.

What you'll need: The Odamex DOOM source port. You can get it at (it's compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux). Odamex comes with its own server browser, odalaunch.exe, to find online game servers. You'll also need the original chex.wad. Odamex should automatically download and load them when you join the server.

This will be a casual, sight-seeing playthrough of all levels to give players time to experience and examine everything. The difficulty will be "Extreme Ooze!" with unlimited lives. The expected play time of all fifteen levels is around two hours, give or take.

While I won't be playing the game, I will be in the Odamex Discord server, streaming the action, offering dev commentary, and fielding any questions people might have.

When the test is done, all of the test WADs (for both the primary and Odamex/ZDaemon versions) will be uploaded. The next step will then be a planning stage with the Chex Quest community mod makers to determine what (if anything) needs to be fixed, and how to proceed forward to finalizing alternations to make things ready for prime time.

Visit for more details.
Devoblog / Odamex 10.4.0 QUAKECON EDITION 2023 Released
« Last post by Hekksy on August 10, 2023, 20:33:36 »
Odamex 10.4.0

Odamex version 10.4.0 has been released. This is to coincide with QuakeCon 2023, which many of the Odamex team are attending! Say hi!

Odamex 10.4.0 client is compatible with 10.0.0, 10.1.0, 10.2.0, and 10.3.0 servers, so you can join any 10.x server and play. There are some network changes involving conveyor belts though, so server/client discrepancies may vary if your map has conveyor belts. We recommend all servers update to 10.4.0 if possible to avoid this.

The official release changelog can be viewed here.

Download Odamex 10.4.0 for your preferred platform now!
Maps, Wads and Mods / Chex Quest 3 v2.0 for Οdamex and ZDaemon
« Last post by Acts 19 quiz on June 06, 2023, 06:21:54 »
Hello! A little background on myself: I was a part of team Chex Quest HD and worked on that project (released in May 2020). That in itself doesn't have much to do with id Tech 1 besides the Chex Quest ‘franchise’. Where the two converge is that while working on CQHD in 2019 and while still had CQ3 hosted, interest was show in updating it—mainly for CD movie playback. I was asked to find out if GZDoom could be made to play the movies or not (keep in mind this was before GZDoom picked up SMK support!).

While I was at it, fixing bugs and beautifying the levels, I wondered if it was possible to get Chex Quest 3 working on a non-ZDoom source port. As I always thought the online community getting together plays a big factor in keeping things going, I wanted to go for a client/server source port. It was also in the back of my mind that Odamex is the port of choice for QuakeCon.

That decision made the choice simple, which is why I here announce Chex Quest 3 for Odamex/ZDaemon. For Odamex, this can be used as a custom IWAD (spoofing Registered DOOM), but it will eventually work best as a PWAD on top of chex.wad. This is to take advantage of features Odamex adds when Chex Quest is the detected IWAD, like green damage tint and menu text translation. For ZDaemon, the only way it will properly is as a custom IWAD. This is because ZDaemon has no chex.exe support (1.10.20 tested) and treats chex.wad like Ultimate DOOM, making an unwanted fourth episode. It has to be forced with -iwad to load it since ZLauncher pretends it doesn't exist.

There's a token amount of compatibility with mainline Chex Quest 3. All of the DoomEd Nums, patches and textures overlap, so it's actually possible to make something like a map pack and keep modifications moderate. This is actually what made this entire endeavour appealing to begin with, and probably would have turned me off if not possible. If someone would *want* to make a cross-compatible map pack is another question entirely, but it's possible.

I realize that I'm probably slicing an already thin pie as it is in terms of getting an interested base. However, I also see it as a Catch-22 where Chex Quest (3) has never been an option so few here would be interested in something they couldn't play on their port of choice, but when Chex Quest is presented few are interested because it's never been available. However few or many are interested, though, this is a personal exercise I wanted to take, both to see if it was possible as well as to expand the fan base.

As much as to announce this mod and that it's coming soon, this is also to tip my hand to the devs here and coordinate with them to see if they have any input to offer or to check with how this new IWAD-as-PWAD might interact with this source port, sort out bugs/issues, etc.

A side note: Since this is a cross-compatible version between two source ports, I will inevitably as the situation calls incidentally refer to the other source port. Just to clarify, I'm neither officially with either Odamex or ZDaemon, nor do I intend to here compare the two or their communities. As Chex Quest has always been a solo port, and up to this point a ZDoom project, I see this as an opportunity for Chex Quest to reach out to both other communities in an olive branch-type manner. Think of this as a new Christmas toy you've gotta share with your brother. :)

Just to be clear, this is fully encouraged and supported by Charles Jacobi, an original artist of Chex Quest and primary author of Chex Quest 3. I'm a fan of Chex Quest, but this update is not a fan project as such. He's been keep up to date on my doings and progress. If you have questions about this, feel free to contact him about it.

For more information, check out:

I'm currently in the process of planning a test within the Chex Quest community of the 'main line' version. A similar online test of the Odamex/ZDaemon version will be forthcoming.
Devoblog / Odamex 10.3.0 Released
« Last post by Hekksy on December 11, 2022, 05:16:11 »
Odamex 10.3.0

Odamex version 10.3.0 has been released.

Another minor release with some nice new features thrown in.  The most noticeable new feature is the brand new PWAD selector tab when you start Odamex.  It will search the cl_waddownloaddir and waddirs cvars, the -waddir command line parameter, and DOOMWADDIR and DOOMWADPATH environment variables for WAD files.  You can select which ones you want to play and even rearrange their load order.

Aside from that, perhaps the most noticeable fixed bug is the fact that a long-standing weapon desync caused by picking up a weapon that was not known to the client yet has been addressed.  This should virtually eliminate cases where the wrong weapon is held at the start of levels or on a reset.

Odamex 10.3.0 is fully compatible with 10.0.0, 10.1.0, and 10.2.0 servers, so you can join any 10.x server and play with no issues!

The official release changelog can be viewed here.

Download Odamex 10.3.0 for your preferred platform now!
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