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Messages - Decay

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General Discussion / Re: A serious TDM league

« on: February 19, 2012, 21:32:57 »
As a starting point, using existing maps is best for a couple reasons.

1) people like to play maps they are familiar with; many new or unfamiliar maps are totally disregarded.

2) making a new set, while I personally would love, takes time to make a quality set.

If the league is a success and it runs more than once, maybe then a unique mapset is a more viable option.

At the same time, since I do not intend on running this until the new release, I suppose there is time if people wanted to make some new maps specifically for TDM.

General Discussion / A serious TDM league

« on: February 19, 2012, 21:18:30 »
2v2 tdm has always been my favourite thing to play in FPS games. Tight maps provide some super fast and fun action, and some larger maps provide tense and intense games. I've run a successful TDM league at Skulltag (by some miracle), and I'd love to expand and do it in Odamex.

The point of this thread is basically to see what kind of support a serious 2v2 tdm league would get here. What kind of ideas people want to offer in terms of teams, league/tournament style, length, maps, etc. As a point of reference, this is what I have in mind.

8 teams of 2, pick your own partner.
Round Robin; play as you guys are available, don't wait for a week by week grind.

Alternative's I thought of
2v2 tdm but there is a "draft" of 3rds who fill in for the 2nd; this prevents dragging it out.
Divisions --> top 2 teams of each division do a playoffs style knockout after.

I'm not planning anything IMMEDIATELY, but I want to see what kind of thoughts you have about this.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity CTF

« on: February 17, 2012, 18:28:21 »
Alright, here's RC2 - This is just the maps, the resource wad hasn't changed. - this has both the maps and the resource wad

"I notice the maps don't look that different". They look fine enough for the most part, and I've come to the conclusion you are dying or dead before you will really get a chance to look around so it doesn't really matter a whole lot.

"So what's new in RC2"?


Several texture misalignments through out the maps
Fixed the imbalance of health in Crypts of Eternity
Added coloured banners to Generic White
Removed the RL and fixed the hom in the center of Tyr's One-Wheeled Bicycle
Lowered some walls in Architecture of Aggression to prevent base to base rocket spamming, and make it a little less exposed. Changed the switches to regular switch textures.
Redesigned the mid of Winter Sacrifice entirely, adjusted weapon layout. I have no idea how it will go over but that's why this isn't the final. I'll pretty it up a bit if it's good in layout terms.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity CTF

« on: February 12, 2012, 20:25:17 »

Features some widened Crypts of Eternity halls, texture fixes, some detail fixes on Architecture of Aggression, map07 door resolution, among other stuff i forgot

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity CTF

« on: February 09, 2012, 17:51:25 »
Thanks Hex, I resolved all of these issues. If you have anything more to say, please don't hesitate to say it, I want this pack to be the best we can make it.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity CTF

« on: February 07, 2012, 08:32:23 »
Here is velocity ctf RC1:

What does this mean?

It means that the layouts are done and at least partially detailed. The maplist will not expand from here; it will only shrink if we cut out bad maps. This version of velocity requires the super fine tuning, so I'd like to see some serious games played out on the maps, especially priv format, 3v3 and 4v4. RC2 will feature all the maps detailed, and any little kinks worked out. Changes in this version include:

Gameplay changes to;

Detailing has been changed on

The 08 that was made by Shane has been removed and replaced by a new map by Synert: Bleak Outlook

If there are any errors I missed, please let me know!

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity CTF

« on: February 01, 2012, 07:44:08 »
I don't know what happened to my second post here, but here's a copy paste post from altdeath.

Here's the latest beta for anyone to check out I am forever riddled with problems with DB2. This version should resolve some issues.

I'd really appreciate feedback, I thank those who have tested with me so far. I know some maps aren't detailed at all or lacking music, but the reasoning behind this is that I want the layouts to work first and foremost. I'm not going to waste my time finding music or detailing maps that don't work.

~~~~~~~~~~I noticed a lot of maps randomly lost "things", including and not limited to flags, tele destinations, weapons, spawns, etc. This is because my db2 did something crazy and a lot of "things" lost their attributes causing them not to appear in multiplayer. The link provided here should be free of those errors~~~~~~~~~~~~

Maplist, 01-12
Rotated Infinity - Dusk
Crypts of Eternity - Decay
And Hell Captured - Dusk
Industrial Nukage Mining - Dusk
Gun Shy - Kamai
Generic White - Decay
Tyr's One Wheeled Bicycle - Heavenwraith
Clash of Empires - Shane ----> Script switches don't work on odamex, sorry
Swap Meet - Shane
Architecture of Aggression - Decay
Winter Sacrifice - Decay
Complex Beta - Decay

General Discussion / Re: Odamex Popularity

« on: January 29, 2012, 15:59:15 »
I would hazard a guess that most of the player base is older people who are in school or at work most of the time, and just don't play 24/7. Also most odamex players play multiport, so maybe they are off in another port? Another thing could be odamex players are also developers and/or modders/mappers and are busy doing stuff for the port to make it better to get more people playing it.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Velocity CTF

« on: January 14, 2012, 11:27:49 »
Promotional advertising!

What is it?
Velocity ctf is a multi-port ctf project headed by the Mechanix Union and led by Dusk and myself. Every map will be fully function on odamex, skulltag and zdaemon.
After the idl mapping contest, Dusk and I wanted to continue making ctf maps, since they are relatively easy to make and we wanted to get better for the next potential mapping contest. Thus, this pack was born. I suppose this pack might go all the way to 32 maps, but you never know!

The overall goal of Velocity is to provide a pack of maps suitable for 3v3 and 4v4 game play that is pretty action packed. There will be a variety of play styles, ranging from the frag fests of generic gray, mount zero and ralphis' magical ice fortress, to the god awful grinds of something epic II and possibly even crawlspace, to the unpredictable and wild games of the old castle, sewers smell bad and buntafungalis or whatever the fuck map17's name is. At the same time, we hope to deliver a variety of themes with maps that are detailed (but not excessively or distracting) and very well tested. There should be something for everybody here. In saying this, I am hoping to get more mappers interested in the project to propel its pace!

Potential mappers
Velocity puts layout over detailing. If you want to contribute a layout, someone else may be around to detail it. If a layout is not very good or not well thought out, the map will be subject to critique and possibly rejection at most. I realize we cannot please everyone, but if there a general consensus on a layout, there must be something to it! Detailers are welcome to hop on board as well. Resources can be anything, as long as there is no conflicts, and it works in the 3 major multiplayer ports. Alexmax's ctftex1c is the primary resource being used at this moment, so if you need any point of reference, check that out.

I intend to have each map tested thoroughly in both a public and private setting. I already have some volunteers for testing, such as Evo, Strangle, and Legion, but I would definitely welcome the critique of more experienced players. If you have any interest in testing out the maps, just say so.

You can watch the project growth at the Union's forums, url=]here[/url]. If you want to map for the project, contact dusk or myself, and please make it easier for the compiler (me) and sign up there and stake a claim.

Last but not least, current progress.
There are 10 or 11 completed maps, with 4 or 5 in deep progress. 3 of them you have seen before (idl mapping contest) but they are being adjusted anyway.



General Discussion / Re: The Mechanix Union

« on: December 16, 2011, 13:06:17 »
Thanks Ralphis. Yea, definitely there is plenty of cool stuff that can be done within the limitations. I also greatly encourage people to work with on projects if they want to expand their mapping abilities; you really have nothing to lose and tons to gain.

Yesterday we formally started our ctf project (unnamed at this time), so if you want to do some ctf mapping, take a look and jump on in. I set up a temporary channel on quakenet if anyone is interested, #mxu

General Discussion / Re: 2011 Year-End Duel Spectacular

« on: December 14, 2011, 12:02:21 »
Different maps for different rounds sounds like the best idea. Playing on the same map throughout the tournament would be kind of stale and boring. It also allows for players to demonstrate their versatility on multiple maps, rather than just dominating on one.

Everything else sounds good to me; I can't give any idea on the time aspect though, unless it started at 10 am for west coasters, meaning 1 pm for east coast USA, 7pm for most of Europe, and 8pm for those as far East as Finland. I think that could possibly accommodate everyone without forcing Europeans to stay up to ungodly hours. aw yea

General Discussion / The Mechanix Union

« on: December 14, 2011, 12:00:39 »
Mandatory advertisement~!

The Mechanix Union is a development team, similar to Chaos Core or the Jetsons. So we are a group of mappers, not really a "clan". There is no "clan" loyalty policy with us; it is our belief mappers should come together to put out bigger and better projects.

Our policy was always multi-port to reach wider audiences, but now this has kicked into higher gear with the near completion of our first 2 projects. With odamex's updating and growing community, we would love to have more projects odamex compatible and give something new to the community. We embark on virtually any type of project, single player, coop, ctf, duel, dm, new game modes, what have you.

Here is the kind of quality we aim to achieve
Disclaimer: yea I realize these screens were not taken in odamex, but I just grabbed them from already uploaded places PLUS we are just trying to get our odamex stuff off the ground. The quality point will still carry, no matter the port.

We are always welcoming of potential new members. We can help newer mappers get better, and certainly welcome experienced ones. Projects can get done faster with more people working together. We also appreciate experienced players and testers willing to help our maps get better by giving advice in terms of playability; something which we believe should never be sacrificed for detail and strive to balance both.

If you wish to become a Union member, we welcome anyone to hang out in our public channel. Talk to any op there, or if you stay on Quakenet, talk to Grymmoire, Dusk or myself.

Union Birth: Concieved 12th of February 2011.

Mechanix Union Forums on Phenomer
#mechanixunion on Skulltag IRC, possibly another on Quakenet if there is enough interest from parties only on quakenet
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